In an effort to keep Directors of Pharmacy up to date on important issues of the day, GSHP hosts a monthly conference call for all director of pharmacy members.  Call are typically on the fourth Friday of each month from 11am to 12 noon and are moderated by a member of the GSHP leadership team or a current GSHP member DOP.  

Sample agenda: 

  1. Psychiatric patient concerns

  2. 340b Contract Pharmacy Experience(s)

  3. As the chair suggests

  4. Contrast shortages, contrast order review

  5. More USP 800 discussion, anyone with gdna inspections, jc surveys?

  6. Legislative update

  7. New language in Rule 480-27.03 0 Pharmacist must perform reconciliation at least every 7 days -

  8. Board rule changes (if any pending)

 If you are a director of pharmacy and would like to get on the email invite list, please email Steve Glass