The Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists is about serving you and your profession.  GSHP appreciates the time that you devote to the profession and understands your needs as a health-system practitioner.  As a member of GSHP, you are part of a community of pharmacists, student pharmacists, and associates who work together to lead health-system pharmacy practice in Georgia.

Take advantage of GSHP by becoming a member and receive resources, networking opportunities, and continuing education programs that will simply make you a better pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or student.  If this sounds of interest to you click on the button below and get started on your membership today.

Membership Categories and Rates

Pharmacist - $100
Associate - $100
New Practitioner Member (first two years post-graduation) $40
Pharmacy Resident- $40
Student - $20 includes student chapter dues
Pharmacy Technician - $25

Membership runs for 1 year from the date you join