Summer 2020

July 10-12, 2020
Omni Amelia Island Resort
Amelia Island, FL

The GSHP Summer meeting is July 10-12, 2020 at the beautiful Omni Amelia Island Resort in Amelia Island, FL.  The meeting consists of 15 hours of continuing education, a large exhibit program, reverse expo and student programming. 


Comments from last year's meeting

GSHP has a superior program! Well worth traveling to attend. Have attended state meetings elsewhere, and Georgia rocks! Very relevant & applicable information, excellent speakers & fun, too.

I thought the meeting was fantastic...the right mix of learning and fun!

Great facility, friendly GSHP facilitators, wonderful learning and collaborative environment

Beautiful location, very good content, will attend again next year

 Continuing Education

ACPE logo

The Georgia Society of Health-System Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmaceutical education.                

  The Summer Meeting will provide an opportunity for you to earn up to 15 hours of continuing education credit.

Room Reservations-The 2020 Summer Meeting will be held at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, FL. GSHP has very attractive room rates that start at $207 single/double per night for an resort view hotel room or $267 for an oceanview room at the Omni Amelia Island Inn and Beach Club.

LINK TO Make Hotel Reservations

If you need any assistance with rooms or need more information about the room types that are available, please contact Steve Glass at

Summer meeting cancellation policy

A full refund will be granted for refund requests received by June 1; from June 2 through June 15, a $45 administrative fee will be deducted from the registration fee; after June 15, there will be NO refunds for cancellations.

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